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Vinton Cerf
Karlheinz Brandenburg

Timothy Berners-Lee

Timothy Berners-Lee was born on June 8th, 1955 (still alive) and is the founder of the world wide web. He was working at CERN, a large particle physics laboratory near Geneva, and got annoyed by scientists not being able to communicate information effectively. He proposed a vision of the web, and spent time working on it. He wrote the code for URL's, HTML's and HTTP, laying the foundation of the World Wide Web. He was also crucial in keeping the web royalty free, and making it a space where everyone could share ideas. Without him and the web, computers would be isolated and certainly not as important as they now are. The coolest thing he's done however, was reenacting his discovery at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics. Everybody cheered, and the stadium lit up to the words of his code.

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